Finder Charts for 9P/Tempel 1

The target of the Deep Impact mission comet Tempel 1 is not a bright comet. For most of the spring, it will be difficult to see even in binoculars. However, we hope that observers will challenge themselves and try to observe the comet. If you do not have a telescope, please check with your local astronomy club or observatory for observing sessions. Take along one of these charts or reference the staff to these pages. You might also want to take a look at our Amateur Observer pages to learn more about observing Tempel 1 and if you are an advanced observer, please visit the STSP site to learn how to contribute images.
- chart covering 17Dec2004 to 12Feb2005
- chart covering 12Feb2005 to 12Mar2005
- chart covering 12Mar2005 to 16Apr2005
- chart covering 16Apr2005 to 05Jun2005
- chart covering 05Jun2005 to 10Aug2005
- chart covering 10Aug2005 to 01Oct2005
CREDIT: Charts generated by Gregario Drayer