Launch Day - Early Morning Hours The Deep Impact spacecraft is safely housed inside the Boeing Delta II launch vehicle as it sits on Launch Pad 17-B at Cape Canaveral.
Press Here! DC Agle, JPL Media Representative for the Deep Impact project on launch day.
Deep Impact Launch The Deep Impact spacecraft launches from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
(Credit: Kennedy Space Center/Elizabeth Warner)
Guests gather to ride the bus to the launch viewing site
Science team members Dr. Pete Schultz and Dr. Jessica Sunshine
Anyone not watching?
Naomi and Casey Lisse zoom in on the view.
Deep Impact on its Way The spacecraft as seen through a telescope.
Friends and Family at JPL Friends and family of the Deep Impact team are able to watch the launch in Florida and the team at Jet Propulsion Laboratory during the exciting event. (Credit: Bill Blume)
The "Penny Kids" Watch Launch Students who ran a special project to match the copper mass of the impactor in pennies watch the Deep Impact launch with students they are now mentoring in the Penny Project.
Web Curator: Maura Rountree-Brown
Webmaster:Elizabeth Warner Last Updated: Tuesday November 14, 2017
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