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Hints for Finding Your Certificate

Our database is unable to accept foreign characters, so please use the English alphabet/character set when searching for your name. Also, please avoid using special characters such as quotation marks, ampersands, brackets, underscores, mathematical symbols, etc. These characters may cause unexpected errors, and you may not be able to retrieve your certificate from the database. Numbers, apostrophes, dashes, and letters with accents or other embellishments (such as "é" or "ñ") are acceptable.

Search on a unique portion of the name like the last name only or first name only. This will bring up lots of names that you can scroll through to find your certificate.

After entering your name, you should see a new browser window containing your certificate. If you did not see this window, it may have shown up behind the window you are viewing now. Try minimizing this window and see if the certificate appears.

If you do not see another browser window at all, there may be settings within your browser, or on your computer, that are preventing it from popping up. Please check to ensure that JavaScript is enabled in your web browser, and make sure to disable any "popup killer" software that you may be running. Once that is done, go to our search page and enter in all or part of your name. You should see your certificate, or if more than one name matches your search, you will see a list of names to choose from. Click on a name and the appropriate certificate should pop up.

If you still do not see a new window, or if you click on a name and get a popup window telling you that your certificate could not be found, please Contact Us and we will help you troubleshoot this issue. Please note that the Send Your Name to a Comet! campaign closed January 31, 2004, and we can no longer accept new names. You can only search for your certificate.

Send Your Name to...

Are you sure you participated in the Send Your Name to a Comet campaign? Deep Impact was not the first or only mission to collect names to send into space. Several of the Mars missions, Stardust, Dawn and others have also collected names. If you don't remember which mission you submitted your name to, you can try searching:

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Web Curator: Maura Rountree-Brown
Webmaster: Elizabeth Warner
Last Updated: Tuesday November 14, 2017
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